Usually we focus on our customers, but for once we pointed the spotlights on ourselves. We celebrated our 10th anniversary in the historical Maurick Castle in Vught. We invited some inspirational speakers and had a great audience because a lot of our clients visited us this cheerful day.
Christ Oomen gave a brief overview of some highlights of the past ten years and then the stage was for Eric van Nispen, the general manager of Wonderware Benelux. His presentation addressed actual topics like the necessity of Cyber Security in the industrial production environment and the importance and big advantages of Prometheus as universal development code. Jan Veenendaal of Light Weight Containers presented together with Jan de Haan of Pro-Fa how both parties experienced the cooperation during several implementation projects. Mark Satink had an interesting bird’s-eye view on Industry 4.0 and he paved the way for futurist Richard van Hooijdonk. He showed us that times are changing rapidly and that requires visionary thinking, realism, guts and innovative strength.
It was a memorable day. We are convinced that we will celebrate many more jubilees together with our highly respected long-lasting relationships.